Ultimate Diaper Bag Checklist

Are you looking for a diaper bag checklist? You are at the right place.

The diaper bag checklist depends on your baby’s age and the duration of your travel.

If you are just going to the supermarket, just a few items are enough but if you are planning for long travel or, a night stay, you may need additional stuff.

Packing too much in your diaper bag will make it hard to carry while carrying your baby.

So keep only essential things according to your trip. However, In this checklist, I have covered from essentials to extras.

Without wasting time, let us get into the diaper bag checklist.

check our step-by-step Diaper Bag Cleaning Instructions


Of course, Diapers are a must-have. It is better to change your baby’s diaper once every two hours.so you can keep diapers according to your trip.

Small Empty Sacks

You can use this to wrap and dispose of the diapers. You can also use it to keep the baby’s wet cloth or used bibs.

Diaper rash cream

If you use it, choose a travel-size diaper rash cream to save space.

Wet wipes/Dry Wipes

Wipes are a must during travel. You can keep a travel-size pack if space is a concern.

Portable changing pad

Nowadays, most diaper bags come with one, but if not, keep a changing pad, as you never know where you may end up required to change your baby`s diaper.

Hand sanitizer

 A small bottle of hand sanitizer is essential in anyone’s diaper bag. It will be helpful if you can’t wash your hands before and after changing your baby’s diaper or, before feeding your baby.

Nursing Pads

Keep a few of these in your bag, if you use them. Although, certainly not essential for all.

Nursing Cover

Nursing covers are versatile for extra privacy while breastfeeding in public. You can also use it to cover your baby.


keep one or two bibs with you to wipe off spits and spills. Whether you’re bottle-feeding or you are already feeding him solids, you may need a bib to keep the mess at bay.

Food, snacks, and water

If your baby is taking baby formula food, pack as much of it as you need. If you have an older baby or toddler, pack some travel-friendly snacks, like O-shaped cereal or fish-shaped crackers, cookies, dry fruits, or your baby’s favorite snacks. You should plan according to your baby’s age and travel time.

Insulated Pouch

It helps to keep your baby’s food hot or cold. The insulation works as a layer of protection from the outside temperature. Nowadays, most diaper bags have this feature.


A bottle is a must-have in your bag if you are not exclusive breastfeeding.

Change of clothes

You have to plan it according to your trip. For a short trip, just one pair will be enough. In case of an overnight stay, keep a set of night suits.
Keep one or two pairs of dresses because spit-ups and blow-outs happen.


If you’re taking an overnight trip with your little one, don’t forget to pack a comfortable sleepsuit.

Light blanket

No matter what the season is, it’s always good to keep a light blanket for unexpected breezes during travel. Apart from that, you can also use it o shade the baby from the sun, or as an extra layer under your baby’s changing pad.


You can carry a Sun hat during warm weather and a winter hat, mittens, and gloves during cold weather.


If you use it, you can add it to your diaper bag.

Baby cream/Moisturiser 

If you use any cream or moisturizer, then don’t forget to keep it. You can save space with travel-sized tubes.

Toys or Books

Keep toys based on your trip and your child’s age.

A toddler often requires a lot of entertaining distractions, while a 4-10 month-old may be happy with one rattle. So keep one or two favorite toys of your baby. You can also keep one drawing book and crayons if your baby is old enough.


If you use them, store them in a clean bag along with extra bottle nipples to keep everything clean.

Pediatrician contact number

It will be helpful in case you are going to drop your kid in daycare.


You never know when your baby will end up with a scratch. So keep 2-3 band-aids for any unexpected small wounds.

Check our Ultimate Diaper Bag Buying Guide


Don’t forget to keep regular medicines for your baby, if prescribed. If you plan for a long trip, keep fever, cough, and cold medicines on the safer side.

Travel-friendly thermometer

It will be useful in long travel.

Burp cloth

A small towel or burp cloth to clean up spit-ups and spills.


A baby spoon in a reusable bag to keep it clean.


Required water for you to keep you dehydrated.

Sling or wrap for carrying your baby

 Even if you’re heading out with a stroller, you may need to park it and hold your baby, especially in a crowded place.

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complete diaper bag checklist
Diaper Bag Checklist


You can hang the teether using Carabiner clips inside your diaper bag. So you can grab it quickly whenever you need it.

It is better to keep diapers, disposable cove, wet wipes, and diaper rash cream together so that you can easily access them when you change diapers.

In the same way, you can keep all things that are required to feed your baby in the same place. In that way, it will be easy for you to grab it.

While carrying medicines or lotions, make sure to keep them in a zip lock cover even though the lid is tight.

If your baby is taking formula food, you can measure the required water and keep it ready in the bottle. You can mix the baby food in a bottle whenever it is required.

You can also carry a book for you, in case you have a few minutes!
If you are planning an overnight trip with your baby, plan for unexpected delays by packing extras of everything, especially diapers, clothes, wipes, formula, sterilized water, snacks, plastic bags, and pacifiers.

Do you still have any questions?  Leave us the question in the comments below!

Before you leave:

  • What else do you keep in your diaper bag?
  • What are your must-have checklist?
  • Did you find this checklist helpful?

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